
The 5 Most Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)

The 5 Most Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)

In the world of business, social media has become an essential tool for marketing. However, as with any tool, there is a right way and a wrong way to use it. Unfortunately, too many businesses are making avoidable mistakes that are costing them customers, and they don’t even realize it.

If you’re using social media for your business, chances are you’re making at least one of these common mistakes. But don’t worry, we’re here to help! Read on to learn about the 5 most common social media marketing mistakes and how you can fix them.

1. Posting Irrelevant or Boring Content

This is probably the number one mistake businesses make on social media. If your posts are irrelevant or boring, your audience is not going to stick around for long. So, how do you fix it? It’s actually quite simple: post content that is interesting and relevant to your target audience.

To do this, you need to first identify who your target audience is. Once you know who you’re trying to reach, you can tailor your content accordingly. If you’re not sure how to start, try brainstorming a list of topics that would be of interest to your target audience, and then create content around those topics.

2. Not Posting Enough

Another common mistake businesses make is not posting often enough. If you’re only posting once a week (or less), your audience is going to forget about you quickly. To keep your audience engaged, you need to be posting at least 3-4 times per week—but more is always better.

If you’re worried about not having enough time to post that often, try scheduling your posts in advance using a tool like Hootsuite or Buffer. That way, you can spend an hour or two writing and scheduling all of your posts for the week in one sitting, and then just check in occasionally to respond to comments or answer questions.

3. Ignoring Negative Comments

No business is perfect, and negative comments are inevitable—even on social media. The important thing is how you handle them when they occur. If someone leaves a negative comment on one of your posts, the worst thing you can do is ignore it. Not only will ignoring the comment make you look bad, but it will also give the person who left the comment reason to believe that their concerns are not being taken seriously.

The best way to handle negative comments is to responds quickly and professionally—even if the comment is unjustified or unfair. Thank the person for their feedback and let them know that you’re sorry they had a negative experience. Then offer to help resolve the issue offline (if possible). This shows other people reading the comments that you care about your customers and are willing / able to resolve issues quickly—both good qualities in a business!

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4. Posting Too Much Promotional Content

While promoting your products or services on social media is certainly allowed (and encouraged!), it’s important not strike a balance between promotional and non-promotional content. If every single post on your feed is an advertisement, people are going tiring of seeing it quickly—and they may even unsubscribe from your page altogether. To avoid becoming “that guy,” try following the 80/20 rule: for every 80% non-promotional posts, only 20% should be promotional. This ensures that people will still see advertisements for your products, but they won’t feel like they’re being bombarded by them.

5. Not Engaging With Your Audience

Engaging with your audience is one of the most important aspects of social media marketing—but it’s also one of the most commonly overlooked. If someone takes the time to leave a comment on one of your posts, thank them! If someone asks a question, answer it! Showing that there is a real person behind your brand goes a long way in building relationships with potential and current customers alike. Additionally, try engaging with other businesses in your industry — even if they’re competitors. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone, and engagement will help get your name out there even more!

These are just a few of the most common mistake’s businesses make when using social media for marketing purposes. However, by taking the time to identify which mistakes you might be making and then taking steps to correct them, you can ensure that your social media presence is helping your business grow —not holding it back!

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