
The Top 19 Marketing Tweets of the Week

The Top 19 Marketing Tweets of the Week

If you’re like most business owners, CEOs, or marketing professionals, you’re always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to market your products or services. But let’s face it: sometimes it can be tough to stay ahead of the curve. That’s where Twitter comes in.

Twitter is a great resource for marketing inspiration, and there’s no shortage of marketing experts sharing their insights and thoughts on the platform. We’ve rounded up some of the best marketing tweets from the past week so you can stay up-to-date on all the latest news and trends.

  1. “@HubSpot: Don’t be afraid to uncomplicate your website design. via @smashingmag”
  2. ““What good is a beautiful website if nobody sees it?” -@joncohen”
  3. ““If content is king, then distribution is queen, and she wears the pants.” -@BuzzSumo”
  4. “@neilpatel: The reason most companies don’t dominate their market is they’re too scared to change their marketing strategy.”
  5. “@randfish: As SEOs, our job isn’t just to rank in Google, but also to earn qualified traffic.”
  6. ““You can’t do today’s job with yesterday’s methods and be in business tomorrow.” -@rickwidget”
  7. “@inboundrocket: Marketing isn’t a one size fits all solution. You have to tailor your strategy to fit your specific goals.”
  8. “@Mention: How Coca-Cola Uses Social Media for Viral Marketing Success”
  9. “@impressionz360: #SEO isn’t about gaming the system – it’s about understanding & satisfiying consumer needs.”
  10. ““The secret to successful #contentmarketing is simple – understand what customers want and give it to them.” -@JoePulizzi”
  1. “@crestodina : Optimizing your title tags for CTR can increase organic traffic by 15%! Read how we did it here:”
  2. “@jaybaer : “Good content without promotion is just content – it might make you feel good, but won’t necessarily move the needle.”
  3. ” “#SocialMedia should be an integral part of every company’s marketing strategy & not just an afterthought.” -@jessestommel”
  4. “@buffer : A step-by-step guide to posting on Instagram brand new #socialmedia tips from @Buffer this week!”
  5. “@ SproutSocial : 3 Tips for Using Live Video for B2B Marketing https://sproutsocial .com /insights/live-video …”
  6. ” @ Hootsuite : Not sure how often you should post on social media? Check out our latest blog post for some helpful tips! https://hoo .st/ 2q0vLZd”
  7. “@ rianjsoliday : Are You Sure You Need That Bigger Budget? 5 Ways To Do More With Less In #DigitalMarketing https://hubs . ly/H0bfDm50”
  8. “@ neilpatel : The advanced guide to YouTube #marketing https://neilpatel . com /blog/ advanced-guide-to-youtube-marketing /…”
  9. “@ salesforce : “Today’s consumers expect companies to know them and interact with them in a personal way.” -@Econsultancy #CX”…

Whether you’re a business owner, CEO, or marketing professional, it’s always important to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends in your industry. Twitter is a great resource for marketing inspiration, and there’s no shortage of marketing experts sharing their insights and thoughts on the platform. We’ve rounded up some of the best marketing tweets from the past week so you can keep your finger on the pulse of what’s happening in the world of marketing.

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